Effective November 18th, 2024, Optimove will discontinue support and sunset the service for API integrations utilizing the username and password login method as we shift to only support API Key authentication.
We recommend creating and implementing API Keys for all integrations by 1st October to ensure seamless functionality and support.
Resolved -
This incident has been resolved.
Mar 20, 15:09 UTC
Monitoring -
A fix has been implemented and we are monitoring the results.
Mar 20, 13:23 UTC
Identified -
We are investigating elevated errors in our batch update process processing. Specifically, we are facing an issue with the ETL service. Sites that have not yet started or completed the Batch process for today might be impacted in our US region.
Impact: Impacted tenants will experience delays in scheduled campaign execution as part of the batch process. Delays are up to 120 minutes.
Mar 20, 13:09 UTC